Protection For You
and Your Assets

Optional Coverage & Endorsements





Family Offices

Family Offices

Kidnap & Ransom

Kidnap & Ransom

Personal Workers’ Comp

Personal Workers’ Comp

Special Events

Special Events



Identity Theft

Identity Theft

Equipment Breakdown

Equipment Breakdown

Service Line Coverage

Service Line Coverage

Aviation Insurance: Coverage For Those Who Love to Fly

Owens Group offers custom and broad Aviation coverage for aircraft flown by you, the owner or a professional pilot. We provide solutions for wholly and fractionally owned aircraft as well as jet memberships, and will secure the best possible coverage in the Aviation insurance marketplace at competitive pricing.

Coverage Offered

We’ll conduct a proper evaluation and assessment of your aviation risks to determine the scope and extent of coverage you require.

Coverage extends to damages to the aircraft itself, as well as the liabilities associated with operating in flight. Aviation insurance is designed to protect your assets in the event of many unexpected scenarios. We can tailor a policy to include:

  • Liability
  • Physical Damage
  • Property Damage
  • Passenger Injury

It’s important to note that most Personal Umbrella insurance policies exclude liability arising from aircraft-related incidents. If you own a fractional share of an aircraft or charter regularly, an Aviation policy is an absolute must.

In addition to providing an individual limit of liability, this policy offers defense coverage that could save you millions of dollars. Our staff will provide you with a policy that best matches your needs and level of liability.

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Safeguard Your Family’s Cyber Footprint

From phone scams, to hacking techniques cyber criminals use, to fraudulently gaining access to personal identity information for financial gain, to the rise of cyber bullying in today’s social media environment, individuals and families are increasingly at greater risk of being targeted.

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Family Offices

Owens Group provides solutions for families with significant wealth, offering ways to protect your assets and preserve those assets for future generations. The risks you may face run the gamut from hefty legal liability, to catastrophic property damage, to aviation risk, to staff injuries and accidents. Owens Group works with families, family offices and wealth advisors to craft personalized insurance programs to address your specific needs. We start this process with an in-depth assessment of your family’s risk profile, and build solutions that meet these exposures.

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Kidnap & Ransom: Turbulent Times Require Extra Measures

Kidnap & Ransom (K&R) insurance is a specialized form of crime coverage and provides reimbursement in the event of a financial loss associated with either an actual or threatened kidnap, detention, or damage to property. Coverage is designed to provide protection at home and abroad. Owens Group can help you secure a policy that addresses your risk profile.

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Personal Workers’ Compensation for Domestic Staff

With the help of domestic employees – nannies or au pairs, live-in housekeepers, caregivers, and others – you run a tight household. At the same time, this also leaves you exposed should one of your domestic employees have a work-related injury or illness. That’s where Personal Workers’ Compensation steps in.

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Insurance For Special Events

Owens Group offers specialty insurance to protect against various risks that may disrupt or alter a special event, or may transpire as a result of the event. Coverage is designed to protect your financial investment against misfortune and mishap, and will step up in the event of:

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Travel Insurance For Wherever You Go

Travel insurance offers a variety of coverages on a per-trip or an annual basis, making available specific resources to help ease your journey and provide you with peace of mind.

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Please contact us for a complimentary consultation and assessment.